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Introduction of the European Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Passport

AMTech   Programa Erasmus +

AMTech proudly presents the official project result, the European Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Passport—a transformative tool connecting the AMTech curriculum with essential European frameworks. This passport establishes concrete linkages between the AMTech curriculum, ESCO's occupational profile, skills and competences, EUROPASS, and EURES, ensuring a seamless integration into the broader European context.

The passport serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking recognition of their skills and competences, enhancing employability prospects across European borders. By aligning with established European frameworks, the AMTech project aims to facilitate the mobility of skilled mechatronics technicians within the aviation aerospace industry, fostering a dynamic and interconnected workforce.

The development of the first “European Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Passport – EAAMP”, represents the fourth and final result of the AMTech project – Development of an aviation aerospace mechatronics technician curriculum.

The specific content and outline of Project Result 4 (henceforth, PR4) is informed by the evidences and results compiled by partners throughout the previous cycles of project’s implementation:

  1. the transnational needs assessment for identification of trends and dynamics in the aviation aerospace industry, and related in-demand competences for employability and professional development in the industry
  2. the consolidation of a comprehensive, holistic and systemic VET curriculum addressing the education and training areas of interest to access and operate in the job market(s) of advanced air mobility (AAM), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).

Full access to the transnational needs analysis, the curriculum (learning areas of interest, Goals, Professional competences to be achieved and outline of education and training content) and the passport itself, is available via the official OER (Open Education Resource) platform of the project:

The content of these document provides for three (3) additional resources:

  • ESCO-compliant profiling of the AM TECH curriculum – extrapolation and benchmarking from the ESCO platform of competences that complements the proposed curriculum and provide for specific descriptors of the associated skills and knowledge. The linkages will allow for greater transparency and transferability of the curriculum in the EU labour market, while setting a common “dictionary” of reference for the qualification at transnational level of this professional profile.
  • EURES-based narrative definition of the new profile and occupation – consolidating the interoperability of the AM TECH’ specialist and its description within the EURES system. The intervention of the project on the EURES dimension allows employers to crystalize the specific terminology bridging the dynamics of supply and demand, and ease the engagement of talents.
  • EUROPASS-standardised description of the AM TECH’ specialist – valorisation and promotion of the AM TECH-inspired professional profile in a standard CV format for jobseeking and employability. Altogether, these three separate deliverables contribute to ease the into-action operationalisation of the AM TECH’ profile, and most importantly, the effectiveness and efficiency of matching dynamics between supply and demand within the relevant job market(s).
